About the Publishers:
Karin and Carl Anderson are Biblical and Archeology researchers, with over 50 years of combined experience and studies in these fields. Drawing from varied sources such as Torah, Zohar, Midrash, Targum, Nag Hammadi, Book of the Dead , and other rare and extant sources. Karin and Carl have been fortunate to have made several trips to both Israel and Egypt for research and actual on site excavation experience. Well the Good News is you can actually view an interactive dialog of the most the AMAZING archeological discovery of all time!! Taking advantage of state of the art multi-spectral and GPR ( ground penetraring radar ) now for the first time this amazing discovery is being reveled! Supporting evidence of this find draws from anatomy, archeology, geology, liturgical and archetypal types and correspondences.About the Show:
The subjects on the right will be addressed , each in a 3 hour Series. You can actually view an interactive dialog of the show in many formats including interactive media with buttons and sliders for learning . If you click the Top Picture on the right, you will see the subject divided in three parts as a general outline for this discussion.

Email Address:
Author, Speaker, Teacher, Television Producer, Radio Talk Show Host

Karin Anderson has been featured repeatedly on such shows such as Prophecy hour, Prophecy club, and numerous radio and TV broadcasts including CNN, TBN and Coast to Coast. Not just an armchair researcher, Karin as had direct meaningful discussion with many prominent men in Israel, both secular and religious, as well as leaders of Islam at the "Mosque of Omar".
She currently has been heard in over 84 countries. Some of her more
popular topics included the recovery of about 900 lbs. of the Holy
incense, from the last Temple Period, just before its desecration which
was given over to the temple institute. You may find how her and her
husband burned the HOLY incense in the Negev; as well as Karin's
burning of the Holy incense in the Great Pyramid and it effects. Or you
may find their Amazing archeology discoveries such as the Hand of GOD,
the Face of Jacob, and the name of God; all found in the Temple mount
area of Jerusalem.
to the other. By understanding Jesus’ role in the heavens it helps us fulfill our role on earth. Many men have tried to read this message, but it was hidden until the appropriate time. The stars are second witness to the Bible designed to be understood now; a letter from God to us to prove Jesus is the Messiah; explaining this story called the ‘Word of God’ and Jesus is ‘The Word.’
• The Purpose of the Earth
• Bullinger Witness of the Stars + Clarence Larkin
• The Wedding feast
• The Offerings, the Temple and the Man
• The Sickles of Rev 14:14
• The Great Seal has a Secret Purpose
• The Great Pyramid and its role in Early Christianity
– 1Peter, 2 Peter
• The Book of Secrets, the Vision of Jacob and the
Foundation Stone
• The Song of the Sabbath Sacrifices by King David
• The Thanksgiving Hymns by King David
• Could Jesus really be the Teacher of Righteousness?
• At your request , this information is now available FREE and in interactive format.
• Approximately 10 hours, 351 pictures on over 650 slides
Karin Anderson says the Book of Revelation is a call for the tribes of Israel to return by explaining the story of the son of man coming from one end of the heavento the other. By understanding Jesus’ role in the heavens it helps us fulfill our role on earth. Many men have tried to read this message, but it was hidden until the appropriate time. The stars are second witness to the Bible designed to be understood now; a letter from God to us to prove Jesus is the Messiah; explaining this story called the ‘Word of God’ and Jesus is ‘The Word.’
• The Purpose of the Earth
• Bullinger Witness of the Stars + Clarence Larkin
• The Wedding feast
• The Offerings, the Temple and the Man
• The Sickles of Rev 14:14
• The Great Seal has a Secret Purpose
• The Great Pyramid and its role in Early Christianity
– 1Peter, 2 Peter
• The Book of Secrets, the Vision of Jacob and the
Foundation Stone
• The Song of the Sabbath Sacrifices by King David
• The Thanksgiving Hymns by King David
• Could Jesus really be the Teacher of Righteousness?
• At your request , this information is now available FREE and in interactive format.
• Approximately 10 hours, 351 pictures on over 650 slides
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