Book of Secrets - Interpretation

 THE BOOK OF SECRETS-1Q27, 4Q299-301Narrative Synopsis

The Book of Secrets, addresses the subject as sort of a time capsule of information “so they did not rescue themselves without the secret of the way things are. Hear now what wisdom is”. Picture the teacher speaking to our generation, saying; “The vision is sealed up from you, and you have not properly understood the eternal mysteries”. The Qumran prophesies will come to pass, the book warns; “This is all ready to happen, it is a true oracle, and by this it shall be known to you that it cannot be averted.”

Apparently addressing Israel of the end time the author continues; “they did not know the secret of the way things are nor did they understand the things of old and they did not know what would come upon them, so they did not rescue themselves without the secret of the way things are”. The scroll describes the vision of Jacob in a portion that begins with: “Here now what wisdom is.”

The first four clues were about Archaeo-astronomy, the fifth is the Origen of things. This is a riddle. After reading the clues given, the answer should be apparent, to anyone initiated. Five clues are given to receive illumination and become wise.

·       The first four discuss the Archeo- astronomy of Jacob’s Vision.

·       The last clues relates to the microprosophus and its role to commemorate Jacob’s Vision.

 A subject which leads to the Microprosophus and its relationship to the Foundation stone.

1. Lights of the stars for a memorial of His name.
2. Hidden things of the mysteries of Light and the ways of Darkness.
3. The times of heat with the periods of cold.
4. The breaking of day and the coming of night
5. The origins of thing

The Book of Secrets
4Q301 F1(...) I shall speak out freely, and I shall express my various sayings among you (...) (.. those who would understand parables and riddles, and those who would penetrate the origins of knowledge, along with those who hold fast to the wonderful mysteries ...) (...) those who walk in simplicity as well as those who are devious in every activity of the deeds of humanity ...) those with a stiff neck, a hard pate, and all the mass of the Gentiles, with (...)
4Q301 F2the customs of the fool and the inheritance of the wise (...) Now what good is the riddle to you, you who search for the origins of knowledge? Why is the heart honored, for it is the dominion (...) a parable? Why is it splendid to you, for it is (...) Why is a prince (...) ruler? (...) without strength, and he dominates him with a whip that cost nothing. Who could say (...) who among you seeks the presence of Light and Illumination (...) the plan of memory without (...) (...) by the angels of (...) (...) those who praise (...)
4Q300 F3so that they would know the difference between good and evil .....)
1Q27 col 1secrets of sin (...) but they did not know the secret of the way things are nor did they understand the things of old and they did not know what would come upon them, so they did not rescue themselves without the secret of the way things are. This shall be the sign that this shall come to pass : when the sources of evil are shut up and wickedness is banished in the presence of righteousness, as darkness in the presence of light, or as smoke vanishes and is no more, in the same way wickedness will vanish forever and righteousness will be manifest like the sun. The world will be made firm and all the adherents of the secrets of sin shall be no more. True knowledge shall fill the world and there will never be any more folly. This is all ready to happen, it is a true oracle, and by this it shall be known to you that it cannot be averted.
It is true that all the peoples reject evil, yet it advances in all of them. It is true that truth is esteemed in the utterances of all the nations - yet is there  any tongue or language that grasp it? What nation wants to be oppressed by another that is stronger? Or who wants his money to be stolen by a wicked man? Yet what nation is there that has not oppressed its neighbor? Where is the people that has not robbed the wealth of another ...
4Q299 F2 (+ 4Q300 F5) Col 2 what should we call a man who ... his) deeds (...) but every deed of the righteous has been judged impure. And what shall we call man who (... call no one on earth) wise or righteous, for it is not a human possession (...) and not (...) (...wisdom is hidden) except for the wisdom of cunning evil, and the schemes of Belial ...) a thing that ought never to be done again, except (...) the command of his Maker ; and what shall a man do and live? ... he who) has violated the command of his Maker shall have his name erased from the mouth of all (...) (...) So listen, you who hold fast to the wonderful secrets ... of eternity, and the plots behind every did, and the purpose of ... He knows every secret and stands behind very thought. He does every (... the Lord of all) is He, from long ago He established it, and forever (...) (...) the purpose of the origins he opened up to (...) (...) for he tests His son, and gives as an inheritance (...) (...) every secret, and he limits of every deed; and what (...) (...) the Gentiles, for He created them and their deeds (...)
4Q300 F1 Col 2 Consider the soothsayers, those teachers of sin. Say the parable, declare the riddle before we speak ; then you will know if  you have understood. (...) your foolishness, for the vision is sealed up from you, and you have not properly understood the eternal mysteries and you have not become wise in understanding (...) (...) for you
have not properly understood the origin of Wisdom; but if you should unseal the vision (...) (...) all your wisdom, for to you (...) Hear now what wisdom is.
4Q299 F5 (...light)s of the stars for a memorial of His name ...)(...hidden) things of the mysteries of Light and the ways of Darkness (...) (...) the times of heat with the periods (of cold....) (... the breaking of day) and the coming of night (...) (...) the origins of things (...).
4Q299 F8(...) How can a man understand without knowledge or hearing? (...) (...) He created insight for His children, by much wisdom He uncovered our ears tat we may h(ear...) (...) He created insight for all those who pursue true knowledge and (...) (...) all wisdom is from eternity; it may not be changed (...) (...) He locked up behind the waters , so that not (...) (...) the heaven above heaven (...)
4Q301 F3(...) and He is well known for His patience, and might in His great anger, and splendid (...) He in His numerous acts of mercy, and terrible  in His wrathful purposes, and honored (...) (...) and over the land He made him a ruler, and God is honored among His Holy people, and splendid among His chosen, yes , splendid (...) holy, great in the blessing of (...) (...) their splendor and (...) when the Era of Wickedness is at an end, and evil doing (...)


1. Lights of the stars for a memorial of His name….God named the stars he called them out by name. They are the characters that become alive in the celestial drama as part of  a memorial of His name.

2. Hidden things of the mysteries of Light and the ways of Darkness

  • Light was considered the Good principle darkness was considered evil. Around the central and simple idea of the annual death and resurrection of the Sun a multitude of circumstantial details soon clustered. p. 449   Morels and Dogmas

  • Osiris and Typhon were…principle of good and evil, of light and darkness ever at war in the administration of the Universe.p.476

3. The times of heat with the periods of cold

  •  The year itself was divided into periods of heat and cold. Heat was considered good and cold bad. Therefore during the time when the Sun ruled, warmth prevailed and this was good. During the after the Solstice it was cold and darkness ruled which was considered evil. Speaking of the Sun as seen by our ancient ancestors. And they lamented when, after the Autumnal Equinox, the malign influence of the venomous Scorpion, and the vindictive Archer, and the filthy ill-omened He-Goat dragged him down toward the Winter Solstice. Arriving there; they said he had been slain (note *in Aries with the lamb), and had gone to the realm of darkness. Remaining there three days, he rose again, and ascended Northward in the heavens, to redeem the earth from gloom and darkness of winter, which soon became emblematical of sin, and evil and suffering; as the spring, summer and Autumn became emblems of happiness and immortality. Soon they personified the Sun, and worshipped him under the name of Osiris, and transmuted the legend of his descent among the winter signs, into a fable of his death, his descent into the infernal regions, and his resurrection. (Morels and Dogmas p.447)

4. The breaking of day and the coming of night

According to Albert Pike; the ancients were concerned not only with the diurnal activity but also the annual activity of the Sun. This concept is also seen biblically in the term a day is as a year to God.

  • In the projection of the celestial sphere by the astronomical priests, the zodiac and constellations, arranged in a circle, presented their halves in diametrical opposition; and the hemisphere of winter was said to be adverse, opposed, and contrary, to that of Summer. Over the angels of the latter ruled a king (OSIRIS or ORMUZD), enlightened, intelligent, creative, and beneficent. Over the fallen angels or evil genii of the former, the demons or Devs of the subterranean empire of darkness and sorrow, and its stars, ruled also a chief. In Egypt the Scorpion first ruled… the Evil Principle …The Sun does not arrive at the same moment in each year at the equinoctial point on the equator. The explanation of his anticipating that point belongs to the science of astronomy; and to that we refer you for it. …The precession amounts to 30° or a sign, in 2155.6 years. So that, as the sun now enters Pisces at the Vernal Equinox, he entered Aries at that period, 300 years B. C., and Taurus 2455 B. C. p. 450

Conclusions from above points describe the Archeo astronomy of Jacob’s vision. The time period, corresponds to the building of the Great Pyramid. The House of the Sun is based on the equinox points in that period.

  • Autumn Solstice The Sun entered Scorpio from Libra

  • Vernal Equinox. At this time the Sun entered Taurus from Aries

5. The origins of things…The Origin of the Earth relates to the foundation stone. The stone that Jacob laid on was in Bethel, yet God choose to commemorate the event in Zion.

RABBINICAL COMMENTARY In the following rabbinical commentary from the Zohar, we see Rabbi’s make the connection. They discuss how it is that Jacob, laid on a stone in Bethel, and was transported to the foundation stone in Jerusalem

  • Rabbi Judah began to expand on the verse   And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house. "That stone “, he said was the foundation stone out of which the world revolved, and on which the temple was built.  The Judean said how is that possible? This foundation stone was created before the world, to be the point which the world evolved, and yet you say that it is referred to in the verse, “this stone I have set up as a pillar” which indicates that Jacob put it there, this being the same stone of which it is said, and he took a stone and put it underneath his head.(ibid. 18) A further difficulty is that Jacob was in Bethel and the stone was in Jerusalem. The Judean the said, Regarding your remark that Jacob’s stone was the foundation stone, I have asked you,  first , how can that be, seeing that the foundation stone preceded the creation of the world and was the one from which the world evolved, whereas Jacob’s stone was put by him in its place, as it is written this stone have I put”, also And he took a stone and put it under his head. And secondly, how can the two be identified, seeing that Jacob was in Bethel and the stone was in Jerusalem.  Judah then answered “It is as though the whole earth was folded up underneath him.”   The Judean repeated his question, quoting again the expression ‘that he put’ Said R. Judah to him, ‘If you know of a better answer, say it. The Judean then discoursed as follows. It is written. As for me I shall be satisfied when I wake up in thy likeness. Observe the parallelism.  When the serpent brought curses upon the world God said to Adam;” Because thou hast hardened unto the voice of thy wife    cursed is the ground for thy sake. etc.” Meaning that it should not bring forth fruit of any vegetation in proper measure. Corresponding to this curse we have here the blessing, “ o f the Fat of the earth”  Again, there it is written  “ In toil thou shalt eat it”  here comes the corrective, “ of the dew  of heaven”  There it says; “ Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth unto thee”  Here, “and plenty of corn and wine”. There we have “  In the sweat of thy face thou shalt eat bread” Here, “Let peoples serve, and nations bow down to thee”, tilling the earth and cultivating the field, as it is written; “And aliens shall be your plowmen and your vine dressers” Jacob thus turned each curse into a blessing, and what he took was his own, God brought all this about so that Jacob should remain attached to his own place and portion’ 


From the commentary above we note that “I wake up in thy likeness” (Ps 17; 150) refers to Jacob who woke up in the image of God as if to take the place of Adam, made in the image of God.

  • Isaiah 45; 11-12 Thus saith the LORD , the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.  I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.    

  *created man. The word here for man is Adam

The Book of Isaiah speaks a graven image which is not like other images. It is likened to God, noting he sits on the circle of the Earth

  • Isaiah 40; 18-22 To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him?   man melteth a graven image, and the goldsmith spreadeth it over with gold, and casteth silver chains. He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved…: Heb. is poor of oblation} Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath It not been told you from the beginning?* have ye not understood from the foundation of the earth*? It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in. the earth. he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth

from the beginning? -The word beginning, comes from the root of the Hebrew word Rayshith,meaning face.

Genesis 1,1-3 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters… have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth

*foundations of the earth - The foundation stone- sh’thyiah stone. 

*he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth-The Zohar tells us; the microprosophus or face of Jacob, lays on the sh’thyiah stone in Zion. Under it are three circles, one being called “the circle of the earth”. ..So he (the microprosophus) sitteth upon the stone, which sitteth upon the circle of the earth.

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